Saturday, September 26, 2009

Being Refreshed

This past weekend Leon, Dave and I had the amazing privileged to attend a conference at Southeastern Seminary. It was a nine-marks conference with the main focus on expository preaching. We had amazing men of the faith speaking such as: Mark Dever, Danny Akin, and C.J. Mahaney. Who, by the grace of God, preached to us the importance of expository preaching. Now the intellectual knowledge and the encouragement that we received from these men cannot go without humbling you to worship. However, what was the most amazing part for me was the refreshing of the Spirit that came upon my soul.

As I have worked on staff at Summit for a little over a year I realize the importance of refreshing the soul. As anyone who works on a church staff can attest to this that Sundays are not always the most refreshing times during the work. In fact it is very much the busiest work day of the week. However, we try and compensate for this by taking one day during the week of to rest. Yet, the question still stands, where do we as ministers get feed? Where do we get the word proclaimed to us?

I believe that where we as minister get feed is by conferences such as the one the three of us attended. I would suggest that every minister find conferences, lead by solid, biblical and exegetical preaching men, and attend these conferences once or twice a year. As the congregation you should desire to send your pastor to these events. Not only to serve the pastor, but to better your personal bride of Christ. As the leader of the Bride of Christ you should want your Pastor to be refreshed, focused, and seeking the direction of the Spirit of Christ.

So as a charge to any minister attend a BIBLICAL conference (not just any conference) to refresh your spirit. As well to the congregation encourage/force your pastor to attend these conference so they to can be feed and even more equipped to lead you.

Father, how great is Your name. You are the I Am and because You are a graceful God, You have redeemed us so now we have the gift to partake in this relationship with You. So Father I plead to You, please continue to encourage myself and other men whom You have called to serve Your bride. That we will devote time to spend intimately with You so we can understand Your will and draw near and have great communion with the Spirit. That we will be equipped in season and out of season to share Your Gospel. If this minister seeks this from You may the hearts of the bride as well be to serve and trust the Pastor, and be willing to allow him to go and be served. Father, You are truly glorious and so we pray these thing by the power of the Holy Spirit, through the name of work of Jesus Christ, to You God the Father. Amen.

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