Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jesus is the new and better Samson

Jesus is the new and better Samson. Who, before birth was also to deliver the people from captivity. (Samson – Judges 13:5; Jesus Genesis 3:15) However, unlike Samson Jesus lived the perfect life, and follow the law that was given to him. (Samson - Judges 13:4-5 “Nazirite vow”; Jesus Hebrews 5:8). Where Samson fell because he sought the things that was desiring to his eyes. Jesus followed the obedience all the way to death. Samson’s death began the deliverance from captivity from the Philistines, but Jesus’ death delivered the elect from death. Just has the Philistines gathered to rejoice cover the capture of Samson and believed they won, but ultimately this was the cause of death of the lords and 3000 plus Philistines. Satan believed that he has conquered Christ by hanging Him on the cross, but when Jesus shouted the words “It is Finished” there the great beast was brought to his knees and Jesus rescued His people from death, and brought them to an everlasting relationship with the Father.