So as I am coming up on the 6 months mark of working at Summit, and I still remember having the questions and doubts that I hear every minister has with his first job. The big one that continued to haunt me was "How should I teach?" when i say how should I teach I mean in the "style" of teaching...I don't know why this was a big one and as i look back i feel like a fool. So I began to think...i mean i could be a John Piper and loud and in your face, or maybe like a Francis Chan a funny and laid back kind of guy. All I desire is for the youth to like me, and want to listen. I want to be the serious, funny, deep but not to deep, knows the word but not a prideful show off, entertainment. As 6 month has gone by and me having this battle of style of teaching running in my mind i was blind sided by a verse. In 2 Corinthians 4:2 "But we renounced disgraceful, unhanded ways. We REFUSE to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God."
After reading this verse I was completely humble and broken. As I realized what I have been called to do. As a minister I am called to teach God Gospel....not to be showy, not to be liked by everyone in the world, or be "cunning" with my words, but simply teach his word. Here is where I began to find my foundation... I am to study His word, be faithful to His word, and teach only His word. Yes, I must teach and teach it well so anyone can understand, but does it mean I have to have the 3 points that all begin with the same letter, and have funny illustration from my own life. NO!!! Those are not the Gospel, those are not God's word. When we share the Gospel if we are not teaching the atonement, the cross, the blood, and Christ then we are not teaching anything but worthless banter and a false Gospel.
Now here I am blogging about this, and many Churches in America have people preaching there life story and not the Gospel....It breaks me because i wonder if those youth will actually hear the real Gospel? If you are going into the ministry or involved in anyway (Sunday school teaching, or whatever) remember to study and teach the word. Do not compromise it for the sake that you can gain favor in their eyes. Or compromise it because it is not politically correct....
These points about the Gospel and what it is and how to teach it i feel is going to lead to some more blogs...
"The Beauty Of Grace It It Makes Life Not Fair"